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Sun-Dried Garden Tomatoes

Click the Video for a Quick Run-Through!
Difficulty Beginner
Prep Time: 15 min Rest Time: 72 hour Total Time: 72 hrs 15 mins
Best Season Summer

These can certainly be made by drying in the oven, but I swear, there is some sort of taste difference when you let the sun do the work. These little guys are perfect for salads or pastas. My personal favorite lately has been throwing them on top of pizza. Enjoy!

  • Approx 1 pounds Tomatoes (Smaller Varietals Like Cherry or Roma)
  • 1 tablespoon Coarse Sea Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian Oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon Basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon Lemon Thyme
  • Olive Oil
  1. Pick and Prep

    Begin by picking herbs and chopping finely. Combine all into a bowl and set aside. Wash the tomatoes, remove stems, and slice longways into 2 or 3 slices. Removing the seeds is optional. If you choose to, press your thumb into the cavity where the seeds are held in each piece, and push them out. Discard or retain seeds for garden.

  2. Season

    Arrange tomato slices on a plate or tray, cut side up. Sprinkle sea salt and herbs over tomatoes.

  3. Dry

    Transfer slices to dryer and arrange with cut side up. Close dryer, allow to dry for 2-3 days, checking regularly for any signs of pests or decay. The salt and acidity of the tomatoes is usually enough to prevent any issues. 

  4. Check In

    The tomatoes are ready when they have reduced in size approximately 50%, look dry and wrinkled, but are still pliable.

  5. Store

    Transfer to a jar, and fill with olive oil to just above level of tomatoes. The tomatoes can be stored room temperature in this way, but refrigeration is also fine.

Keywords: tomato, condiment