Bread & Butter Pickles


Hold your judgement. They're not that sweet.

Bread & Butter Pickles

Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 15 min Rest Time 120 min Total Time 2 hrs 30 mins
Servings: 3


Hold your judgement. They're not that sweet.


Pickling Brine


  1. Toss cucumber, onion, and salt in a bowl. Cover with 4 cups ice.

  2. Let sit for two hours.

  3. Combine the rest of the ingredients (except the ice) in a large non-reactive sauce pot.

  4. Bring to a boil to dissolve sugar.

  5. Allow to cool slightly.

  6. Add 2 cups ice.

  7. Remove any leftover soaking ice from the cucumbers, and drain the cucumbers. Place in a large plastic container with a lid.

  8. Pour pickling brine through a strainer over cucumbers.

  9. Cover with the lid and refrigerate.

  10. Cucumbers will be ready in 48 hours. Jalapeños take about the same time. Green beans will be ready in a bout a week. These are good for up to a month in the fridge (if they last that long).

  11. These can also be canned in sterilized jars using the proper canning methods for longer storage.

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