DIY Hunt/Fish

DIY European Mount

I was lucky enough to knock down a solid seven pointer at my mom’s the day before Thanksgiving. It’s definitely a fun story, but I’ll tell it another time. All that said, he’s a good looking deer, but not quite shoulder mount-worthy. Taxidermy has a long and storied history amongst naturalists and hunters. The very popular head or shoulder mounts that we see for deer species are actually a variant …


Gigging the Gulf

I consider myself an angler. I like to fish. Hell, I love to fish. There’s just something about the anticipation that every “next cast” could be a fish. I’m primarily a pond-hopper, as I don’t currently own a boat. I’ve also made it to the coast for some saltwater action. I’ve even gone on some guided trips, but nothing like this.  For my 39th birthday, we headed down to the coast …

Articles Hunt/Fish

Long Ears, Long Guns

I’ve been out squirrel hunting (read: looking for squirrels while holding a gun) a couple of times, but other than that, my small game hunting experience is basically nil. When my pal Mike (not that Mike) from down the street said he wanted to go rabbit hunting, I was in. With no experience in this arena, I was heavily reliant on Mike’s experience. A couple of hours before sundown, we …

Articles Recipes

Cactus Fruit

We headed out to the lease this weekend to fill feeders, adjust blinds, check cameras, sight rifles, and to hunt for pigs. Needless to say, no pork in the cooler, or this post would be about a successful hog hunt. Rather than post the obligatory “I got skunked, but golly it’s just nice to be in the Great Outdoors’” sunset pic, I opted to come home not-empty-handed. Enter: The Prickly …


Luke’s Bass Fishing Starter Kit

I get asked by a lot of friends, “What do I need to get started fishing?” Getting into fishing is just like getting into any other hobby. Sure, you can go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole on the internet with a million different “pros” or “ambassadors” trying to sell you their crap. But really, you only need a few things to get started.  Spinning Rod and Reel ComboBuying the …


$30 DIY Binocular Chest Harness

Binoculars are an essential piece of gear for any hunter. Whether it’s counting points on a buck, or trying to see those gobblers come around the bend, that zoomed in view is critical not only to the success of your hunt, but sometimes to the legality of your hunt! But man oh man, do those binos get heavy on that neck strap. Solution: binocular chest harness. When’s the last time …